Monday, April 15, 2019


Dear diary,
i did it again
i broke down yet again
after so many years since my last breakdown
i broke, hard
i can't remember clearly when was the last time i broke down in tears
sobbing, gulping down big fat tears
but i accidentally broke again today
in front of someone at work
it was embarrassing to say the least
but i was at my breaking point
is it wrong for me to do so?
i have been feeling vulnerable lately
constantly fighting the demons that are trying to break free
every single day since...
since the day my grandmother passed
i had been fighting myself ever since
trying to stay strong
pushing my way towards happiness
but lately at that seems too far
out of reach
what else is wrong?
even myself don't know
but what i do know is that they're growing stronger while i grow weaker
day by day
month by month
but i'll keep on fighting
i'll keep on building the same walls around me
to keep the demons inside
far away from my heart, from my thoughts
hope i can be stronger than before and keep on fighting
for the sake of people around me

Thursday, February 7, 2019

I My Me Mine

Have you ever felt this?
That feeling where everything is so wrong
Like whatever you do has no meaning
It doesn’t change anything
Or anyone
The feeling where you just want to sit down alone
With just yourself
Doing nothing
Thinking of nothing
Blank, empty mind
Far away in the peace and quiet
That is how i feel nowadays
When you're alone you wanted someone to be there with you
But when you're in a crowd or among people all you want to do is be alone
Sometimes, the mind doesn't understand the heart and it makes everything just wrong

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Mr D & Mrs S

I started stalking him again..
And you know what?
Something hit inside my heart
I felt my heart fell
Watching his smile
I remembered the times we spent together, even short
We were just not meant to be
I wanted to be happy for you
But the voice inside my head just had few things to say
“His wife is not that pretty”
“She looks older than him”
“They don’t look good together”
“Why does he look at her like he’s forced to?”
God, what the hell is wrong with you?
You’re happy with your life..your husband is great
Your life is great
What more do you want dude?
However, i pray that you’re happy with her and may your marriage lasts till jannah and be blessed with lil D and S
Side note, his wife’s name is same as mine
Coincidence much? *evil smirk*

Sunday, February 3, 2019

My Happily Ever After

Image may contain: ZulAfiq Zulkiflee and Noor Shafiqah Isham, people smiling, wedding

31/3/2018 was the date that i officially became a wife to Muhammad Zulafiq Bin Zulkiflee.
Finally the happiness that I wanted was found.
Even after all the hardships we faced, he was always there for me every step of the way.
He who was patient, accepted my pasts and flaws and for who I was and am.
I thank Allah for making this man my husband.
Honestly, I would never imagined having him in my life especially as my soulmate.
Thank you sayang for always being there for me, through thick and thin. For better and for worse, in sickness and health.
In sha allah I will keep on trying to be the best wife to you, and hoping you to be the same.
It's almost a year since we were officially wedded and I couldn't be happier.
You never ceased to amazed me every day, with your cheeky smile and spontaneous attitude.
It's wrong for me to say that everything is A-okay but at least we have each other to go through all those tough times.
May we be blessed with all the happiness in the world and may Allah ease our journey to Jannah, together every step of the way.
I couldn't ask for a better husband than you, my boo

Moved On, or Have I?

Related image

Dear Diary, it's been a while. 
Might probably be because i do not have much to say. 
Or simply the fact that what i want to say was not that important. not until now.
Well, here goes.
He's married. D is married.
Dunno exactly how to express my feelings at the moment.
Lost is most definitely one word for it.
But then again, i'm married myself.
So, why is this a problem.
I mean, this is bound to happen eventually.
Without realizing, I began stalking him again.
Just curious on whether he's updated anything on his own SocMed.
Nothing regarding his wedding, at least not yet.
Just like that, I also began going through his old photos on Instagram.
Then, it hit me. I feel absolutely nothing.
Not jealousy, sadness, happiness. Nothing.
That made me realized, I had moved on from him.
He was not a part of my life anymore.
He was not a part of my heart.
He was gone.
And I was eventually free of him, of his presence.
Because I've accepted the fact that we were never meant to be.
It never was.
But, thanks for the memories anyway.
It was great while it lasted.
Now it's time to focus on our own lives.
I pray that you'll be happy with you wife and live a long happy life with her until the end of your breath.
I can finally close a chapter of my life with you.
Goodbye forever, D.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

I wish u the best..

Siang td tgk notification kt fon..
Prasan ade yg request nk follow kt insta..
Ble bukak insta jer tlupe nk actually check n approve..
Bru td nie tringat nk check..
Bukak yg 1st ok, jual gelang manik2 tp bley customize nme..
Approve jela sbb aku x follow pn..
Then pegi kt 2nd..trus berhenti kjap jantung aku..
Org yg aku pk aku x akn jmpe lg..
Azwan Zakaria, bestfren aku mse sek..
Aku tgk gmbr latest die..
Die da kawen, ngah tggu 1st baby..
Alhamdulillah, kawen gak kau akhirnye kn..
Lg awal dr aku..
Aku doakn kau bahagia n kekal smpi akhir hayat..
Maafkn aku sbb tolak kau seblum nie..
Mgkin slh aku gak sbb x bg pluang kt kau kn..
Tp aku tetap ngan kputusan aku mse tu..
Pape pn, bgus la sbb kau da bley move on ngan idup kau..
Skang nie fokus kt family kau ye..
Slamat tinggal sahabat..

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Some People Never Change

sometimes I wonder why or how I actually fell for you..
I mean, u're never faithful..
u have lots of other 'friends' behind my back..
and when I found out your secret u said that I abandoned you..
u felt lonely, bored..
god, what kind a person are you?
attention whore much?
anyways, i'm glad we're not together anymore..
i dunno why i thought u could change..
i was wrong all along..
and the girl u left me for?
she's a bitch..
because she said she's never going back to u and trusting u again after u made her break up with her previous boyfriend..
and what do we have here?
both of u together again?
great, u wanna know something?
u guys deserve each other..
i pray that u guys end up married with each other..
and play around each other's backs..