Monday, April 15, 2019


Dear diary,
i did it again
i broke down yet again
after so many years since my last breakdown
i broke, hard
i can't remember clearly when was the last time i broke down in tears
sobbing, gulping down big fat tears
but i accidentally broke again today
in front of someone at work
it was embarrassing to say the least
but i was at my breaking point
is it wrong for me to do so?
i have been feeling vulnerable lately
constantly fighting the demons that are trying to break free
every single day since...
since the day my grandmother passed
i had been fighting myself ever since
trying to stay strong
pushing my way towards happiness
but lately at that seems too far
out of reach
what else is wrong?
even myself don't know
but what i do know is that they're growing stronger while i grow weaker
day by day
month by month
but i'll keep on fighting
i'll keep on building the same walls around me
to keep the demons inside
far away from my heart, from my thoughts
hope i can be stronger than before and keep on fighting
for the sake of people around me